1968 Gering Cup & Social

The St. X Class of 1968 looks forward to the 27th edition of the Gering Cup. The golf outing is scheduled for GlenOaks Country Club on Monday, October 7, 2024.  GlenOaks CC is located at 10601 Worthington Ln, Prospect, KY 40059. Call GlenOaks at 502-339-0215 if directions are needed.

The 35th straight renewal (forget COVID year) of the golf scramble begins with registration and fellowship at 11:30 a.m. and consecutive starting times beginning at 12:00 Noon. Minimal appetizers will be provided following your golf round. The cost for golf is $65 which includes green fees, cart and appetizers after golf. A cash bar is available throughout the day. For the strategically-minded, we will be selling a kick, throw, and mulligan ticket for $10 prior to your tee time only at the course

Should anyone wish to donate a prize (cash or otherwise), please bring such to GlenOaks on the day of the event. These items can be used for golf awards such as longest putt or closest to the pin.

Mike Lush will assign golfers to foursomes based on your expressed preference, if possible. Each team will be handicapped based on the infamous Gering Formula. The registration deadline is Tuesday, September 24.

If you have event questions, please call Jay Wissing (502) 609-4937 or Mike Lush (502) 292-0006.

Register Now

For registration inquiries, please call St. X at (502) 637-8485.