Parent Prayer Group
All St. X parents are invited to join the Parent Prayer Group which meets Fridays, beginning in September, when classes are being held on campus, from 8:00-8:30 am in the Goetz Chapel. The group shares selected verses, entreats special intentions, and prays for students by name. Throughout the school year every student’s name will be lifted up in prayer at least once. Parents are welcome to attend in person or may join remotely via Zoom. By providing your email address you will receive reminders, the prayer outline for each week, intentions, the names of the students being prayed for that week, and the Zoom link should you wish to join remotely. Whether you are able to attend in person, remotely, or by receiving each week’s outline to pray on your own, you stand with a community that celebrates faith and the St. X family!
Please submit a request for link no later than 24 hours in advance.